It’s time to smash those fitness goals and achieve a total body workout with the right equipment.

Have the Yuletide festivities and inevitable New Year’s resolutions gotten you thinking about your fitness — or perhaps, lack thereof? The good news is that your journey to fitspo greatness can start from the comfort of home. You won’t need to worry about membership fees or gym bros hogging the machines. Neither will you have to rush for classes after work. While you can get ripped with calisthenics and bodyweight exercises, some exercise equipment can add variety to your workout and allow you to push your limits.
These work different muscle groups and are suitable for all fitness levels. The fabric bands from TheFitLife Resistance Bands (S$27.68) come in a set of three, with each band offering different resistance levels.
Made of durable, high-quality materials, they are less likely to irritate the skin. Place a band around the thighs, legs, ankles, feet, shoulders and arms to work different muscle groups. Inner latex grip strips help keep the bands in place.